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Verse 1
On a hill in Israel, mercy spoke for me
Mercy spoke for me, mercy spoke for me
It was on Golgotha’s tree His death brought liberty
His death brought liberty, oh, His death brought liberty

May I never boast in anything
Except the cross of Jesus Christ
May I not forget
The blood He shed
It is by His death I am alive
Because of Christ, I am alive

Verse 2
What a humble sacrifice, love that washed me clean
Love that washed me clean, oh, love that washed mе clean
What a blessed mystеry, His punishment, my peace
His punishment, my peace, His punishment, my peace


Bridge X2
Halleluja!  Hallelujah!
Praise the One who set me free
Death has lost its grip on me
Halleluja!  Hallelujah!
Jesus rose in victory
He’s alive alive in me

May I never boast in anything
Except the cross of Jesus Christ
May I not forget
The blood He shed
It is by His death I am alive
Because of Christ, I am alive
Because of Christ, I am alive
Because of Christ, I am alive